Η απόφαση της ομοσπονδιακής κυβέρνησης της Γερμανίας για αναβολή όλων των διεθνών διοργανώσεων που επρόκειτο να διεξαχθούν έως την 31η Αυγούστου οδήγησε τους διοργανώτές του φετινού European Traditional Οpen στη μετάθεση της διοργάνωσης για το 2021.
Η σχετική ανακοίνωση:
Dear members, dear participants of ETO 2020,
As already announced, we are monitoring the current situation regarding the coronavirus pandemic very carefully.
As announced by the German federal government today, major events remain banned until August 31, 2020. Therefore, the T.A.I. is not able to carry out the ETO2020.
In anticipation of this case, the executive board, together with the delegates from our member countries, decided in a detailed meeting to postpone ETO 2020 to the year of 2021.
The board of directors,together with the delegates and the organizer in Guteneck Castle agreed to a new appointment. The ETO 2020 thus becomes an ETO 2021.
The ETO 2021 will take place from June 7th to June 11th, 2021 at Guteneck Castle. The dates of the national championships and events of our member associations were of course taken into account.
Sadly we have to follow this path with great regret, because we were excited about the great Interest and meeting all the participants. We are also relieved that our foreign members can remain with us as participants. Because what would be an ETO without participants from our member countries, it would be just a German championship and that is not what we all want.
The board of the T.A.I. however has a request to all participants:
Please check if you can participate at the new date in June 7th to June 11th, 2021. If you should be able to take part in this appointment, please leave your entry fee with us, because the organizer has already spent parts of it on material in preparation. This of course implements, that your registration will remain.In the name of the board of directors and the T.A.I. Delegates
Eric Lindemann
Vice President