Όπως αναφέραμε το Σάββατο, το barebow αποτελεί πλέον επίσημη κατηγορία για τα αγωνίσματα της target archery.

Η απόφαση λήφθηκε κατόπιν πρότασης της Σουηδικής Ομοσπονδίας Τοξοβολίας κατά την οποία η ραγδαία αύξηση συμμετοχών barebow σε μεγάλα τουρνουά indoor και outdoor δικαιολογεί την τυποποίηση των κανονισμών του έτσι ώστε να συμπεριλαμβάνεται σε μεγάλες διοργανώσεις (όπως το Παγκόσμιο Πρωτάθλημα) αλλά και την αναγνώριση αντίστοιχων ρεκόρ για την κατηγορία.

Χαρακτηριστικά, αναφέρθηκαν τα παραδείγματα του World Archery Masters Championships, του Lancaster Classic, του Vegas shoot 2019 αλλά και του τουρνουά της Ρώμης στα πλαίσια του World Archery Indoor World Series (κατά το οποίο υπενθυμίζουμε ότι συμμετείχαν μεταξύ άλλων και τέσσερεις τοξότριες και τοξότες από την Ελλάδα).

Ακολούθως, παραθέτουμε τις σχετικές αλλαγές στα βιβλία κανονισμών της World Archery:

For Target Archery (see Book 3 – Target Archery):
• Recurve Division;
• Compound Division;
Barebow Division;
• Standard Bow Division (for Standard Round only)
The Elimination and Final Rounds consist of:
• The Elimination Round, in which the top 104 athletes (mandatory for World Archery
Championships) are seeded according to their positions in the Qualifying
Round(see Appendix 3 – Match Play Charts). . They shoot a series of matches in
groups, each match consisting of the best of five sets of three arrows for recurve
and barebow, and five ends of three arrows for compound.
• The Finals Round, in which the eight athletes remaining from the Elimination round
shoot individual matches, each match consisting of the best of five sets of three
arrows for recurve and barebow, and five ends of three arrows for compound,
culminating in the gold Medal match. At World Archery Championships the matches
shall be shot one after the other. The athletes shall shoot alternately one arrow at a
• The Team Elimination Round, in which the top 24 teams (16 in the Olympic Games)
of three athletes seeded according to their positions as determined by their total
score in the Qualification Round (see Match Play Chart 5 (24 teams, byes are
permitted)) shoot simultaneously a series of matches, each match for recurve and
, consisting of the best of four sets of six arrows (two per athlete) and for
compound consisting of four ends of six arrows (two per athlete) in cumulative
• The Team Finals Round, in which the four teams qualifying from the Elimination
Round shoot a series of matches, each match for recurve and barebow, consisting
of the best of four sets of six arrows (two per athlete) and for compound consisting
of four ends of six arrows (two per athlete) in cumulative score culminating in the
Team Gold Medal match. In the Olympic Games, the Medal matches of the World
Archery Championships and Archery World Cup Events, the teams shoot
alternately in three arrow segments. For other events alternating shooting is
optional. The timing is started and stopped when the athlete crosses the 1m line;
• The Mixed Team Round in which the top 24 teams (16 in the Olympic Games)
composed of the top ranked man and the top ranked woman from the same
Member Association are seeded according to their positions as determined by their
total score in the Qualification Round (see [REF=3430]), shoot simultaneously a
series of matches, each match for recurve and barebow, consisting of the best of
four sets of four arrows (two per athlete) and for compound consisting of four ends
of four arrows (two per athlete) in cumulative score;
• The format may be amended to fit special stadiums and locations that are very
attractive for archery. It is necessary to notify Member Associations at least one
year in advance of the event;
• For Recurve the round will be called the Olympic Round and shall be shot at 70m
(60m for Cadets and Masters) on 122cm target faces, whereas for compound it will
be called the Compound Match Round and shall be shot at 50m on an 80cm six
ring target face. For Barebow it will be called the Barebow Match Round and
shall be shot at 50m on an 122cm target face.

• A team shall consist of the highest ranked three (or two if a Mixed Team) athletes
from the Qualification Round unless the Team Manager notifies the Director of
Shooting or the Chairman of Judges in writing at least one hour before the start of
that round of competition of a substitution of another athlete who competed in the
Qualification Round. A violation of the foregoing will result in disqualification of the
team. In case of substitution medals shall only be awarded to the athletes that shot
the Team round, not the qualification round.
The Barebow 50m Round consists of 72 arrows shot at 50m on the 122cm target face.
The Barebow Elimination Round, in which 32 athletes are seeded according to their
positions in the Qualification Round (see Appendix 3-Match Play Charts, 4. Match Play
Chart 3 (32 athletes, byes are permitted)). They shoot a series of matches in groups,
each match consisting of the best of five sets of three arrows;
The Barebow Finals Round, in which the eight athletes qualifying from the Elimination
Round shoot a series of individual matches, each match consisting of the best of five
sets of three arrows, culminating in the Gold Medal match. The athletes shall shoot
alternately one arrow at a time;
The Barebow Team Elimination Round, in which the top 16 teams of three athletes
seeded according to their positions as determined by their total scores in the
Qualification Round (see Appendix 3-Match Play Charts, 5. Match Play Chart 4 (16
athletes / teams, byes are permitted)), shoot simultaneously a series of matches, each
Match consisting of the best of four sets of six arrows (two per athlete);
The Barebow Team Finals Round, in which the four teams remaining from the Elimination Round shoot a series of individual matches, each Match consisting of the best of four sets of six arrows (two per athlete), culminating in the Team Gold Medal

In the discipline of Outdoor Archery:
For the Cadet Women, Cadet Men, Junior Women, Junior Men, Women, Men,
Master Women and Master Men classes:
◦ The 1440 Round;
◦ The 1440 Round for Teams;
◦ The Double 1440 Round;
◦ The Double 1440 Round for Teams;
◦ The 70m Round (recurve only);
◦ The Double 70m Round (recurve only);
◦ The 60m Round for Cadets and Masters (recurve only);
◦ The Double 60m Round for Cadets and Masters (recurve only);
◦ The 70m Round for Teams (recurve only);
◦ The 60m Round for Cadets and Masters Teams (recurve only);
◦ The Olympic Round (recurve only);
◦ The Olympic Round for Cadets and Masters (recurve only);
◦ The Compound 50m Round (compound only);
◦ The Compound Double 50m Round (compound only);
◦ The Compound 50m Team Round (compound only);
◦ The Compound Match Round (compound only);
The Barebow 50m Round (barebow only);
◦ The Barebow Double 50m Round (barebow only);
◦ The Barebow 50m Team Round (barebow only);
◦ The Barebow Match Round (barebow only).

In the discipline of Indoor Archery:
For the Recurve, Barebow and Compound Divisions for Cadet Women, Cadet
Men, Junior Women, Junior Men, Women, Men, Master Women and Master Men:
◦ The 18m Round;
◦ The 25m Round;
◦ The Combined Round;

◦ The Recurve Indoor Match Round;
◦ The Compound Indoor Match Round;
The Barebow Indoor Match Round;
◦ The Recurve Indoor Match Team Round;
◦ The Compound Indoor Match Team Round;
The Barebow Indoor Match Team Round.

World Archery Championships for the Recurve, Barebow and Compound Divisions:
• Cadet Woman World Champion;
• Cadet Man World Champion;
• Cadet Women’s Team World Champion;
• Cadet Men’s Team World Champion.
• Cadet Mixed Team World Champion;
• Junior Woman World Champion;
• Junior Man World Champion;
• Junior Women’s Team World Champion;
• Junior Men’s Team World Champion;
• Junior Mixed Team World Champion;
• Woman World Champion;
• Man World Champion;
• Women’s Team World Champion;
• Men’s Team World Champion;
• Mixed Team World Champion;
• Master Woman World Champion;
• Master Man World Champion.

World Archery Indoor Championships for the Recurve, Barebow and Compound
• Junior Woman World Champion;
• Junior Man World Champion;
• Junior Women’s Team World Champion;
• Junior Men’s Team World Champion;
• Woman World Champion;
• Man World Champion;
• Women’s Team World Champion;
• Men’s Team World Champion;
• Master Woman World Champion;
• Master Man World Champion.
for Outdoor Archery for Cadet Women, Cadet Men, Junior Women, Junior Men, Women,
Men, Master Women and Master Men in the Recurve and Compound Divisions as
• 1440 Round;
• 90m (36 arrows);
• 70m (36 arrows);
• 60m (36 arrows);
• 50m for Cadet Women and Master Women (122cm face);
• 50m (36 arrows on a 80cm face);
• 40m for Cadet Women and Master Women;
• 30m (36 arrows).

World Records for the above distances may only be shot as part of the 1440 Round.
• 70m Round (72 arrows);
• Double 70m Round (144 arrows);
• 60m Round for Cadets and Masters (72 arrows);
• Double 60m Round for Cadets and Masters (144 arrows);
• Team 1440 Round (3 X 144 arrows);
• Team 70m Round (3 X 72 arrows);
• Team 60m Round for Cadets (3 X 72 arrows);
• Compound 50m Round (72 arrows);
• Compound Double 50m Round (144 arrows);
• Compound 50m Team Round (3×72 arrows);
• Individual Compound Match Round (15 arrows);
• Compound Team Match Round (24 arrows);
• Compound Mixed Team Round (16 arrows);
• Mixed Team 70m Round (144 arrows));
• Mixed Team 60m Round (144 arrows));
• Mixed Team 50m Round (144 arrows));
Barebow 50m Round (72 arrows);
• Barebow Double 50m Round (144 arrows);
• Barebow 50m Team Round (3×72 arrows);
• Mixed Team Barebow 50m Round (144 arrows).
For Indoor Archery for Cadet Women, Cadet Men, Junior Women, Junior Men, Women,
Men, Master Women and Master Men in the Recurve, Barebow and Compound Divisions:
• 25m;
• 18m;
• Indoor Compound Match Team Round (24 arrows);
• Indoor Compound Match Individual Round (15 arrows).

For the Barebow Division the following items are permitted:
A bow of any type provided it complies with the common meaning of the word bow as used
in target archery, that is, an instrument consisting of a handle/riser and grip (no shootthrough type) and two flexible limbs each ending in a tip with a string nock. The bow is
braced for use by a single string attached directly between the two string nocks, and in
operation is held in one hand by its grip while the fingers of the other hand draw and
release the string.
The bow as described above shall be bare except for the arrow rest and free from
protrusions, sights or sight marks, marks or blemishes or laminated pieces (within the bow
window area) which could be of use in aiming. The unbraced bow complete with permitted
accessories shall be capable of passing through a hole or ring with a 12.2cm inside
diameter +/-0.5mm.
Multi-coloured bow risers, and trademarks located on the inside of the upper and lower
limb or on the riser are permitted. However if the area within the sight window is coloured
in such a way that it could be used for aiming, then it must be taped over.
Risers including a brace are permitted provided the brace does not consistently touch the
athlete’s hand or wrist.
A bowstring of any number of strands.
Which may be of multi-couloured strands and serving and of the material chosen for the
purpose. It may have a centre serving to accommodate the drawing fingers, one or two
nocking points to which may be added serving(s) to fit the arrow nock as necessary, and to
locate the nocking points. No lip or nose mark is permitted. The bowstring shall not in any
way assist aiming through the use of a peephole, marking, or any other means.
An arrow rest, which may be adjustable and have more than one vertical support is
An adjustable pressure button, pressure point or arrow plate may all be used on the bow
provided they do not offer any additional aid in aiming. The pressure point may be placed
no further back than 2cm (inside) from the pivot point of the grip.
No draw check device may be used.
Face and string walking are permitted.
No stabilisers are permitted.
Vibration dampeners fitted as part of the bow are permitted provided that they do not have
Weight(s) may be added to the lower part of the riser. All weights, regardless of shape,
shall mount directly to the riser without rods, extensions, angular mounting connections or
shock-absorbing devices.
Arrows of any type may be used provided they subscribe to the accepted principle and
meaning of the word arrow as used in target archery, and that these arrows do not cause
undue damage to the targets.
An arrow consists of a shaft with a tip (point), nocks, fletching and, if desired, cresting. The
maximum diameter of arrow shafts shall not exceed 9.3mm (arrow wraps shall not be
considered as part of this limitation but may not extend further than 22cm toward the arrow
point when measured from the nock groove where the bowstring sits to the end of the
wrap). The tips/points of the arrows may not exceed 9.4mm in diameter. All arrows of
every athlete shall be marked with the athlete’s name or initials on the shaft. All arrows
used in any end shall be identical in appearance and shall carry the same pattern and
colour(s) of fletching, nocks and cresting, if any. Tracer nocks (electrically/electronically
lighted nocks) are not allowed.
Finger protection in the form of finger stalls or tips, gloves, or shooting tab or tape, to draw
and release the string is permitted, provided they do not incorporate any device that shall
assist the athlete to hold, draw and release the string.
A separator between the fingers to prevent pinching the arrow may be used. An anchor
plate or similar device attached to the finger protection (tab) for the purpose of anchoring is
permitted. The stitching shall be uniform in size and colour. Marks or lines may be added
directly to the tab or on a tape placed on the face of the tab. These marks shall be uniform
in size, shape and colour. Additional memoranda is not permitted. On the bow hand an
ordinary glove, mitten or similar item may be worn but shall not be attached to the grip of
the bow.
Binoculars, scopes and other visual aids for spotting arrows:
Provided they are not used for ranging or represent any obstruction to other athletes.
Prescription glasses, shooting spectacles and sunglasses may be used. None of these
may be fitted with micro hole lenses, or similar devices, nor may they be marked in any
way to assist in aiming.
Should the athlete need to cover the non-sighting eye and or glasses lens, plastic, film or
tape may be used to obscure vision, or an eye patch may be used.
Accesories are permitted:
Including arm guard, chest protector, bow sling, finger sling, belt, back, hip or groundquiver.
Devices to raise a foot or part thereof, attached or independent of the shoe, are
permitted provided that the devices do not present an obstruction to other athletes at the
shooting line/peg or protrude more than 2cm past the footprint of the shoe. Also permitted
are limb dampeners.
For athletes of all divisions the following equipment is not permitted:
Any electronic or electrical device that can be attached to the athlete’s equipment.
Any electronic communication device, headsets or noise reduction devices in front of the
waiting line provided that the use of software that simply allows the athlete to plot arrow
impacts on the target as one would on printed paper used for the same purpose is
permitted. No software that aids in bow sight adjustments may be used anywhere on the
archery field (which includes any space either in front of or behind the shooting line up to
the spectator area).
Athlete equipment shall not include camouflage colours of any kind.
For Olympic Games no electronic communication device is allowed on the competition
field unless required by the Organising Committee.
